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Why prostate play is the key to the ultimate orgasm
The human orgasm has been a phenomenon that has inspired and antagonised man since the dawn of time. This need not be. The female orgasm is less of a mystery, a simple bit of clitoral fondling can spark a female orgasm as quick as it takes to light a gas cooker- for men the ignition for their orgasm, if you like, has remained shrouded in mystery and confusion.
There’s no definitive answer as to why there is confusion, anything proposed would only be an example of guesswork that being said we can hypothesise that is has something to do with male ejaculation. More men than you would imagine believe coming and having an orgasm is the same thing. Ejaculation is a release sure but an orgasm is a full body explosion of pleasure- they’re in the same ball park but not the same thing. This mislabelling and subsequent confusion has meant that for generations the male orgasm has slipped under the rug.
The key to the male orgasm lays in the prostate gland. When massaged, similarly to how one would massage the female clit, the prostate gland elicits strong waves of pleasurable sensations down through the male coccyx, up into the spine and then around the entirety of the body; causing full body convulsions as a result of intense all-encompassing pleasure. It’s quite extraordinary that this mind expanding pleasure organ is often dismissed by the modern world.
The neglect of the prostate gland may also be a result of its location. Not exactly in the most convenient of places, the prostate gland is located inside the anus.
For some reason over time male homosexual sex has been the only sexuality directly associated with prostate play- this has perhaps had some influence in heterosexual men turning their backs to it because of the connotations linking them to the gay community. Something now in 2018 that is much less stigmatised but not so long ago would have resulted in criminal prosecution. Association with gay sex in the 70’s, 80’s would have landed you in prison- something that could certainly deter men from getting their prostates massaged.
However the past is the past and whatever the reason the male orgasm has had such shoddy public exposure over the past hundred years or so is nothing we should bother waving a stick out. What we should do is reverse the stigma and re-immerse prostate massage and the ultimate male orgasm in to the general populace.
You can take part in the global effort to debunk standard male pleasure levels by going and getting a prostate massage yourself. Receiving your first prostate massage by a trained professional is an excellent way to ease yourself in to this intense pleasurable rush. The problem with not knowing exactly how it works yourself and asking a partner with equally little knowledge is that they may perform the massage incorrectly and instead of inciting pleasure they could cause you pain- which would, most probably, prevent you from trying it again. By going to a professional erotic masseuse you can rest easy knowing that you are definitely going to experience an authentic prostate massage that will categorically lead to the ultimate orgasm.
To help you understand further, to enable you a greater incite in to why and how a prostate massage gives you the ultimate orgasm experience then I would suggest you have a look at these anonymous true life experiences from men of all ages who sampled prostate massage for the first time.
All names have been changed to maintain anonymity and personal privacy.
Derek, 62, Oldham, Greater Manchester, UK.
From the North but found myself travelling up to London a couple of times a week for work. Sometimes they’d have me up in nice hotels, you know just for the night like. I never used to think anything of it- you know anything going on behind there, never even tried anal. I think it’s a generation thing. If were getting anything up the bum when I was a lad you were a puff and that was that. It’s annoying thinking back now. Now that I’ve tried it. I was married at 17 and me and Patricia had a solid marriage. The sex- the sex was fine, it just was what it was, nothing wrong with it like. But when she passed in 94; cancer, I sort of juts closed the book on that department. That was until I say, I started stopping in over in London. I’d never had a massage before but a guy I was working for at the time insisted.
So this girl comes to my room, young girl like, early twenties. And she is massaging my back, naked like, and it’s all very nice really relaxing and out of nowhere she starts sliding her hand down towards my bum hole and I said, I said now hang on their love- but she assured me that this is what my friend mr – well that doesn’t matter- mr something, had bought for me. Now I’m not one to turn down a gift so I went along with it and my god and I’m glad.
To be honest with you I was starting to think I had become like sexually stunted, as soon as she started moving her fingers up and down, doing this stroke like motions by hold body turned back on- it was like a light switch had come on and I was tingling all over, I was blown away with sexual pleasure- and this energy too.. I felt 25 again.
Honestly took my breath away. You know if I had known about prostate massage when I was younger, I think, I do, I think my life would have been a lot more fruitful.
Francis, 26, Peckham, London, UK.
Prostate massage feels like you’re getting your dick massaged from inside out- it might sound crazy but man h man, it’s fantastic.
Michael, Broadstairs, Kent, 41, UK.
I was nervous I’ll admit, felt a little uncomfortable, a little apprehensive coming up to it. But the experience itself? Marvelous, honestly. It’s hard to describe but I suppose I’ll say this. For something that initially I thought was so wrong to feel so right took me by surprise. I don’t know why it’s not more widely accepted.
Read more about prostate massage in London by clicking here.