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A-Z reasons why massage therapy is good for you

An improved immune system

Burns calories

Cortisol, the body’s “stress hormone” is reduced

Decreases migraines and headaches

Eases the symptoms of mental illness, including depression and anxiety

Flexibility is improved

Greatly eases muscle tension

Helps older people achieve a greater range of motion and balance

Increases endorphins, the body’s natural painkillers

Joint mobility is enhanced

Knowledge of your body’s limits is better understood

Lowers blood pressure

Massage feels damn good

Nausea for migraine and cancer sufferers is reduced

Oxygen and blood circulation is improved

Pregnancy symptoms including morning sickness and tiredness are relieved

Quality of life is enhanced

Recovery from injury and illness is stimulated

Serotonin, the body’s “feel good” hormone is released

Temper is improved, especially for dementia sufferers

Unwinds the body and mind

Very effective for relieving stress

Warms up the muscles for exercise

Xtremely therapeutic, say no more!

Your aches and pains subside

Zzzzz, sleeping problems including insomnia and fatigue are relieved


To experience all the amazing health benefits book you massage. We recommend relaxing prostate massage in London. Book this erotic prostate experience here –


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